Matthew West has achieved the highest ranking of Ministry in the Church of God Cleveland, TN he is an Ordained Bishop. He is currently in schooling through Pentecostal Theological Seminary for his Master's of Divinity program.
He has 6 beautiful daughters one son-in-law and 2 grandsons.
He is happily married to Marlena West
Matthew West married Marlena West on June 16th 2007. He had always known he was called to be a pastor even when he was not living for the Lord and running from God. Matthew and Marlena re-dedicated their lives to the Lord and surrendered to that call of ministry in 2009.
He started serving in his local church in Bald Knob, Ar where his grandfather pastored. Having played the drums for many years during the time his parents pastored many churches, he went back serving on the worship team playing the drums and eventually moving from instrument to instrument.
In 2011 He took his first church in Hickory Flatt, Arkansas. This is was country church and a great church to begin the ministry. Great things happened at this church, and eventually he felt the call of God to move to Benton, Arkansas where he pastored the local Church of God there.
Eventually he moved from there to Parsons, Kansas to pastor the Parsons Church of God and inevitably adopting his two oldest children from this town.
He is currently serving as Lead Pastor of the Lighthouse Church of God in Traverse City, Michigan. He has faithfully followed God's call in every area that he has served. Matthew and his family love it in Northern Michigan and are excited about what God is doing in this church.
Mon to Thurs 9AM - 3PM